The first task of education is to shake life, but leave it free to develop



In 1989, we started working as “Garden School ALBONIÑOS”, in a village of the citadel Alborada 3rd. Stage.

In 1992, the authorization for the secondary section was obtained with the name “HISPANO GUAYAS”, the same one that relates our Hispanic roots and as a complement, Guayas, in homage to the province to which we belong.

In the school year 1992-1993, faced with the need for more space and more functional infrastructure, we moved to Tarqui parish, citadel Guayacanes, 3rd. stage, block 97 – 97A, Pdte. Tamayo and Autopista Narcisa de Jesús, Guayaquil 090509, working since then as an Educational Unit with three levels of education:

  • Pre-school
  • Primary Section
  • Secondary Section

As of 2014, complying with the new regulations of the Ministry of Education, the institution changed its name to: “PARTICULAR EDUCATIONAL UNIT JEAN PIAGET”


The Jean Piaget Bilingual High School bases its ideology on the integral formation of the student. Based on the following principles:

We develop processes that lead students to meaningful learning, through the motivation to scientific research and the correct use of technology, which leads to lifelong learning and serves them throughout their lives.

We promote inter-learning and multi-learning as instruments that enhance the abilities of our students through cultural events, practice of different sports disciplines, access to information and state-of-the-art technologies, in order to achieve high levels of personal and social development.

We encourage the practice of values that promote personal freedom, democracy, respect for rights.

Educational establishments are democratic spaces for the exercise of human rights and promoters of the culture of peace, transformers of reality, transmitters and creators of knowledge, promoters of interculturality, equity, inclusion, democracy, citizenship, coexistence social, participation, social, national, Andean, Latin American and global integration.

Individual effort and motivation to people for learning is promoted, as well as the recognition and assessment of teachers, the guarantee of compliance with their rights and support for their work, as an essential factor in the quality of education.

Equity and inclusion ensure access, permanence and completion in the Educational System to all people. It guarantees equal opportunities to communities, peoples, nationalities and groups with special educational needs and develops an ethic of inclusion with affirmative action measures and an inclusive school culture in theory and practice based on equity, eradicating all forms of discrimination.

It guarantees the right of people to a quality and warm education, relevant, adequate, contextualized, updated and articulated throughout the educational process, in their systems, levels, sublevels or modalities; and that includes permanent evaluations. Likewise, it guarantees the conception of the learner as the center of the educational process, with a flexibility and ownership of contents, processes and methodologies that adapt to their needs and fundamental realities. It promotes adequate conditions of respect, tolerance and affection, which generate an appropriate school climate in the learning process.

Education trains people for emancipation, autonomy and the full exercise of their freedoms. The State will guarantee plurality in the educational offer.


We promote values and academic excellence